Thursday, March 31, 2011

Chocolate Lace Dome

This is great for making desserts fancy shmancy! Like ice cream, MY favorite, Molten Lava Cakes OR, BOTH!

What You'll Need:

Melting chocolate

Water Balloon

Piping tip (#2) and bag (or you could try it by cutting a small hole in a bag.)

First: Blow up your balloon Second: Melt your chocolate *I use almond bark or candy melts because they melt smooth and harden fast. And pour it into piping bag with tipThen pipe it onto the balloon, no rhyme or reason. I tried to do a specific pattern thinking that would be oh so beautiful..... but unless you have the most amazing skills with chocolate and a steady hand it end up looking worse than just random madness! Let harden in fridge.Pop the balloon. Pull it ut before it completely shrivel up or it could stick to the inside making it hard to pull out without breaking pieces. Then you are ready to serve! over a beautiful dessert.


  1. That is pure amazingness. I can't wait to try one, it's a total Wow!

  2. What a great idea...can't wait to try it out! Thanks!
