Do you see that price tag?
That's right $50 buck. A solid wood table WITH 4 chairs. Now Shawn wasn't so excited about dragging this baby home (he has little faith in me), claiming that we had sold our last table because we were OUTGROWING IT, and this one is just only slightly bigger (it does have a leaf). And he doubted that I would end up doing anything with it.
Our first table was $175 Walmart fakey, and NOTHING like this cute baby! Doesn't it have personality! LOVE IT! A wood chair alone can cost $50, so he eventually gave in and let me keep her!
So the day I went out to sand the top down it rained and then snowed...and then Christmas time came, so now it's January and I ready to pretty her up.
Now I've been debating what I want to do with her. I LOVE the cream color and all but I'm not really a light furniture person. I REALLY wanted to do distressed white with RED chairs.

My sister thinks it need to be like blue or green. Which teal blue and brown are the colors I want to do in my kitchen.